I recently read a manifesto at Change This (if you haven't heard of Change This by the way you are totally missing out) on the Tyranny of Email. It had special interest for me as I have been involved numerous times in situations where communication between people has been exasperated by the use of email. The manifesto by Ole Eichborn is not focused completely on how email can be an imperfect medium for conflict. But does have a half page on Eichborn's opinions on what is good procedure in terms of using email to make criticism - don't.
As he says, and as I have also experienced firsthand, making any kind of criticism by email seems to get magnified. Furthermore, copying others in on that seems to create an even larger problem. Causing normally rational people to flame like a South Australian bushfire. Being involved in international recruiting and across cultures I personally think email has become a huge plus in moving things quickly and efficiently. But there is no doubt in my mind that once you get to the heavy negotiation, strategy and technical give and take of a relationship you need to either pick up the phone or get in front of someone.
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