My top goal this year is to really get on top of GTD and my own personal efficiency levels in my entire life. I really feel that I have made some really big strides in the last year, thanks to GTD and the blogosphere around the system. My top resource by far is Merlin Mann and 43 Folders. Merlin has a post this morning about why it all seems so simple when you talk about it but why it is also important to remind ourselves. I know that often when I speak with people about the system, they aren't as convinced that they should spend so much time doing it, and it's difficult to be convincing when talking about the results.
But one of the concepts I like to parallel it with (although it is no easier to understand) is Zen and mindfulness. One of the keys to Zen is editing away complexity to simplicity. GTD is very similar when you get down to it. Having the discipline to focus on the moment and make decisions about things immediately is what cuts out the complexity and allows you the comfort of focusing on whatever you are doing right now.
As Merlin talks about in his post, we don't really need teaching to do that, we just need reminding. Are you reminding yourself about what you want to achieve?
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