First and foremost, to everyone we know and to our friend's and family who are grieving for loved ones who have passed this year our thoughts go out to you all. We wish you peace in 2007.
I have had an interesting year blogging, it's been fun and it has continued to be a valuable addition to both my business and personal life. Here are a few statistics from the year on Asia Pacific Headhunter:
1. 105 posts this year. I have had to slow down a lot over the last three months so I am pretty happy with that.
2. 22,136 visits with 34,864 pageviews over the last year. Woah! IMHO that is great!
3. Technorati Ranking of 32,505. This is on our old url of, our new url of is ranked 265,834.
All the above statistics and rankings make me happy for some strange reason, but I really don't know why. The Technorati ranking is particular fun since I have no idea how it works, actually I think there are only a couple of people who really do (probably Guy Kawasaki and definitely Joel Cheesman). I am most happy that my ranking is 28,000 spots ahead of kiwi entrepreneur Rod Drury. Now that really shows that I have no idea how it works.
What are the problems I have found this year. Mostly it's the "bling" problem. There are SO MANY things that you could add to your blog now that it is incredibly hard to keep up, so much so that it has turned me off from even trying. I have a list as long as my arm of things that people have emailed me about, or I have read about to add to my blog. Tools to create content, tools to allow people to call you for consulting, tools to automate all sorts of things. It is endless. I guess this is what web 2.0 is about but it seems to me that it's the same old problem, not enough time in the day to try them all, test them and then keep them going.
So what are the benefits? Definitely the relationships and the education. Blogging provides a platform but most importantly it provides a pathway to communication with new and diverse people. While this may not seem like a huge benefit to some I have to say that there is no doubt that in my mind that has been the biggest benefit for me. Those people have provided both knowledge and educational opportunities for me that have made life more enjoyable.
My main aim for 2007 is to continue blogging with the idea in mind that what I do might be helping someone in the same way as so many other bloggers and readers have helped me in 2006.
Best wishes,
Steven Kempton
JobCentral help you with your job search.
congrats on the stats for '06 and look forward to reading more from you. it is great to hear voices from the region.
all the best from sydney
Posted by: jorge | Tuesday, January 16, 2007 at 02:22 PM