It's a conversation starter alright, especially for people who desperately need to find some return on the endless hours they spend on social networking sites. I personally love Twitter, it's a lot of fun, I've learned more about people I knew before and I've met some cool people as well. But the noise factor gets pretty high, pretty quickly. It's also is a mindfulness killer. If you let it it will take your ability to concentrate and feed it to the fail whale.
That being said I'm not going to give up on Twitter as a recruiting tool. It really makes a lot of sense in that it provides an insight into people as people rather than just as candidates. For headhunters it's only natural to want to have as much unbiased insight into candidates as possible. So Twitter isn't revolutionary in that sense however, it is a new channel that you have access to in order to discover and learn about potential superstars for your business.
For candidates though it's a completely different story, probably one best left for another post...
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